OK1KIR EME Team - 10 GHz, Our new system

The picture gallery shows our new system for 10 GHz. The first QSO was with F6KSX on November 16th 2003. We made 163 CW and SSB QSOs until now (May 2010).

The system currently consists of 4.5 m solid dish 4.5m f/D=0.42, linear polarization horn, two transvertors 10 GHz/145 MHz (DB6NT design) rotatable in the dish focus point, 0.7dB WG LNA (DB6NT) and new 50 W SSPA (DB6NT) producing about 45W rf in the feed. We can operate TX/RX 10368 and 10450 MHz.

  • ©2009÷2025 OK1KIR
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