OK1KIR EME Team - 144 MHz

We were QRV on 144 MHz only during ARRL EME contests in 1984 and 1986. We are currently QRT due to TVI in neighborhood and own interference to higher bands. We used:
- Temporary installation of 4 x PA0MS 10el Yagi with manual elevation
- 1 kW from homebrew PA 4x RE025XA (Czech tubes similar to Eimac 4CX250) in λ/4 coax cavity
- 1dB LNA with BF981 (dualgate MOSFET)
- Homebrew TRX 144 MHz (“Klinovec”)
- AF filter (design OK1CZ, ex OK1DKW)

  • ©2009÷2025 OK1KIR
  • cz
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